AionSource.com will be made read only and then finally shut down over the next couple of weeks. As a community, we are moving to a new site (yes, you have to post in intro before you can post elsewhere on the new site):
The new, ad free fan site is owned and handled by myself and is for the discussion of Aion and other games. I thought about it a lot and I really don't want to lose members of the community just because our community likes to play different games over time. Much thanks for the help of DirtyKlingon (leader in ChitChat) and Divinelysian (Aion player and content developer) for helping out with the new site. Divinelysian has been especially busy trying to copy over some of our better guides for Aion, so that they won't be lost when AionSource.com goes down forever. We've had a fairly steady group over on the site testing it for the last couple of weeks and we think we're ready to handle more traffic.
Curse has been very nice in promising that the AionSource.com won't go down immediately, so as community members you do have the ability to copy over your own important articles to the new site (it uses similar forum software). Since we don't have the database from AionSource, you'll have to re-register. Please remember to make your forum password different from all your game passwords for safety. Forums are very commonly attacked by hackers and so it's always best to have an extra layer of security for yourself (you should do this with any game forum you're a part of).
AionSource started as a community that grew as Mark (now the Admin of ArcheageSource.com and I totally blame him for us having the word nyerk) led it through the early pre-launch days of Aion. The site was then sold to Curse and went through a series of admins, including Knite (now a Brand Manager for NCsoft West), Cynic (who's hiding out somewhere), Aion Bunny (got married last I heard), Kvinna (Admin on the Curse Guild Wars Guru and Guild Wars Guru 2 forums), and finally myself. On the way we also had Amira, the admin of TeraFans.com as a mod as well as Celystine (whom reportedly went to work on the SWTOR forums and was responsible for getting rid of their off topic forum... I wonder why...). I've held down the fort for a long, long time, but always wanted to be able to change the site when it needed changing. I will now be able to do that.
Please come by and say hi on the new forum. Since it's still being worked on, please be patient and let me know when you run into issues. I've got no idea what bandwidth we may need and so some load balancing may need to be done. Also, let me know if you'd like to help out with content.
I will miss AionSource and I could probably wax poetic about it for a while, but honestly I have to start copying over some of the older news articles to archive them on the new site. Oh, and all of those images... blech.
Best of luck to everybody and I hope to see you all on the other side where Nobody Plays Games.